Getting Things Done

Introducing the Comprehensive Getting Things Done - Notion Template

Take control of your tasks, projects, and productivity with our comprehensive Notion template designed specifically for implementing the renowned Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology. Whether you prefer a simple setup or an automatic priority system, our template is here to enhance your productivity and help you accomplish more.

Version 1: Simple GTD Template

Our Simple GTD template provides a clean and straightforward setup for organising your tasks and projects. With a focus on simplicity and ease of use, this template is perfect for users who prefer a minimalistic approach to task management. You'll have all the necessary components to capture, categorise, and track your to-dos effectively.

Views Included:

  1. Inbox: Capture all your incoming tasks and ideas in one place for easy processing and organisation.

  2. Urgency: Prioritise tasks based on their urgency, ensuring that you always know which tasks require immediate attention.

  3. Energy: Categorise tasks based on the energy or effort required to complete them, helping you allocate your resources efficiently.

  4. Whenever: Manage tasks that have no fixed due date or deadline, ensuring they don't get overlooked.

  5. Deadline Soon: Stay on top of impending deadlines by tracking tasks that are approaching their due date or have already passed the do date.

  6. Overdue: Quickly identify tasks that have missed their deadlines and require immediate action.

  7. Off The Plate: Organise tasks that are either paused, marked as unnecessary, or completed, ensuring a clutter-free workspace.

  8. Calendar View: Gain a visual overview of your tasks and projects on a calendar, allowing you to plan and allocate time effectively.

  9. Archive: Keep your workspace tidy by archiving completed tasks, projects, areas, goals, and notes while retaining easy access to past information.

Version 2: Automatic Priority GTD Template

Upgrade to our Automatic Priority GTD template for an even more streamlined experience. This advanced version takes your productivity to new heights by automating the task prioritisation process. The template intelligently sorts your tasks based on urgency and energy, saving you time and mental effort.

In addition to all the views provided in the Simple GTD template, the Automatic Priority version includes:

Auto Priority: This dynamic view automatically prioritises your tasks based on their urgency and the energy required to complete them. With a single glance, you'll know exactly which tasks should be tackled first, allowing you to work efficiently and effectively.

Personalisation Support:

Purchasing the Automatic Priority GTD template also grants you personalised support to tailor the template to your specific needs. Our team will guide you through the customisation process, helping you optimise the template to align with your unique workflow and preferences.

Unlock your productivity potential and experience the power of the Getting Things Done methodology with our Notion template. Whether you choose the Simple GTD or Automatic Priority version, you'll gain a comprehensive tool that revolutionises the way you manage your tasks, projects, and overall productivity. Start getting things done today!

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